Keryma significa vigilante, sempre alerta, aquela que não dorme, em Tupi Guarani. E faço jus a esse nome sendo muito observadora e inquieta. Sempre gostei de desenhar, me divertia fazendo folioscópio de uma tartaruga quando criança e criando quadrinhos de smiles. Então animação e quadrinhos sempre fizeram parte da minha história. Me formei em Cinema na Faculdade Armando Álvares Penteado, em São Paulo, dividida entre ser story artist e motion.
Trabalho com motion desde 2016. Por dois anos aprimorei fazer curtos storytellings no Festival do Minuto, para depois migrar para chamadas de televisão em National Geographic. Hoje sou designer de Creative Marketing na The Walt Disney Company e o que menos faço é motion. Faço um pouco de tudo: design, ilustração, site e até pauta da equipe.
E garanto que continuo inquieta e observadora, sempre buscando novos desafios.
Keryma means vigilant, always alert, the one who does not sleep, in Tupi Guarani (a native Brazilian language). And I live up to that name by being very observant and restless. I’ve always liked to draw, I had fun making folioscope of a turtle as a child and creating smiley comics. So animation and comics have always been part of my story. I graduated in Cinema at Faculdade Armando Álvares Penteado, in São Paulo, divided between being story artist and motion.
I have been working with motion since 2016. For two years I improved my skills making short storytellings working at the One Minute Festival, then worked for television at National Geographic. Today I am a Creative Marketing designer at The Walt Disney Company - and motion is what I do less. Currently I do a little bit of everything: design, illustration, site and even organize my team's tasks.
And I guarantee that I remain restless and observant, always looking for new challenges.
Keryma means vigilant, always alert, the one who does not sleep, in Tupi Guarani (a native Brazilian language).