Comics (in my free time)
Histórias em quadrinhos feitas nas horas vagas
Tupi or to doodle
Essa série feita para o instagram ilustra palavras da língua Tupi-Guarani que usamos na vida cotidiana, seja para lugares, comidas ou pessoas, como meu próprio nome.
This is an Instagram series that illustrates Tupi-Guarani (a native Brazilian language) words we use in everyday life, whether for places, food or people, like my own name.
1st image: tupi or to doodle: myself.
2nd image: Keryma means the one that never sleeps.
The annoying cousin nº 1
Human: You know, family, I admit it's a burden to be the only rational animal… no one to understand you
Swan: How much he talks, right?
Jaguar: Oh my, so boring!
Plant: I'm glad I don't have ears!
The annoying cousin nº 2
Human: Family, I'm going to look for intelligent life abroad. I'm going after more like me!
Owl: Yey!
Hippo: Go with God!
Monkey: Take Him!
Giraffe: Finally!
The annoying cousin nº 3
Squirrel: Don't you think after the human left… everything became so still?
Koala: Hmm… nop.
1st image: The dream seems unreachable, distant as the clouds. Working for Disney was like that for me.
2nd image: It's like a rocket that after touching the clouds sees an intire universe to explore.
The plump jaguar
2nd image: This is what happens to those who are not jaguar's friend [a Brazilian term for false friends].
4th image: And if you stare too much, you are next!
Hot potato
1st image: The city of the future will only have clean energy…
2nd image: … And it will be zero carbon!
In the city of the future
There will be green architecture…
3rd image: And basic needs to all…
With everything within a 5-minute walk!
… And zero plastic, you will see…
4th image: … Everything will be resolved in the city of the future!